top 7 Things To Do With Your Psp Besides Play Gamesokay, So Most People Buy A Psp To Play Games, Right?

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The possibilities of using the PSP as a portable portfolio of my art and design were a significant factor in my decision to buy one as soon as I did.Why lug around a laptop when all you need is your PSP?You might not want to bother with websurfing at home on your PSP, especially if you have a desktop or laptop computer handy, but if you’re out of the house, you can access any open wireless points. Top 7 Things to Do With Your PSP Besides Play GamesOkay, so most people buy a PSP to play games, right? And I swear I saw a laptop-sized portable DVD player at Walmart with a screen about the same size as the PSP’s.You can transfer music from your computer to your PSP with ease!

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